The Satakunta welfare area is investigating a possible data protection breach in Savoa Partners Oy health services consultancy.
Based on the preliminary investigations, it is possible that patient data has been improperly viewed in connection with consulting activities. According to the welfare area's press release, all those who may have seen the information have been health care professionals who have consulted the corresponding health care professionals of the welfare area.
All of them are bound by the obligation of non-disclosure and secrecy. In these situations, the information has not been viewed with the intention of harming, but to support the professional responsible for care. These situations have not been recorded in information systems or log data.
"In the wellness area, any kind of data protection-related violations are not accepted, and these must always be addressed, the announcement states."
The welfare area will provide more information on the matter as the investigation progresses.
Cooperation with the consulting company has been suspended in February. In addition, the Satakunta welfare area has made an investigation request to the police on Thursday.
LUE ALKUPERÄINEN TEKSTI Potilastietoja katsottu aiheettomasti – Satakunnan hyvinvointialue selvittää mahdollista tietosuojarikkomusta
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