Repairs are being made at the moment.
The Huittinen swimming pools are temporarily closed. The heavy rain last Monday caused rain- and sewer water to flood the basement space, including the technical area and power centre located there.
Property manager Teemu Nurminen says repairs were started late last week and will continue during this week. The swimming pools will remain inaccessible for this and the following week.
The gym and cafeteria will stay open normally. The shower rooms are also available for users of the gym.
The student editorial of Lauttakylä newspaper and Pellonpuisto school makes some translations from weekly paper into English. The English summary was was made by 8th grader Vilja Vartia./Lauttakylä-lehden ja Pellonpuiston koulun yhteinen oppilastoimitus kääntää poimintoja viikon lehdestä englanniksi. Tiivistelmän on kääntänyt 8.-luokkalainen Vilja Vartia.
Lue alkuperäinen juttu Uimahallin allasosasto yhä pois käytöstä
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