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Local news 9.10.2024 18:00

Autumn highlights the growing need for substitute teachers in Huittinen schools

In Huittinen, each school has its own substitute list. School leaders handle substitute arrangements, as the need can arise frequently and with short notice. In the archive photo, students from Lauttakylä School are on their way to their new classroom. Photo: Pauliina Vilenius
In Huittinen, each school has its own substitute list. School leaders handle substitute arrangements, as the need can arise frequently and with short notice. In the archive photo, students from Lauttakylä School are on their way to their new classroom. Photo: Pauliina Vilenius
Antoine Soulaire, original text Pauliina Vilenius

The arrival of autumn has already made clear the increasing demand for substitute teachers in Huittinen’s schools, as there is currently a shortage of qualified class and subject teachers. According to Eija Mattila, Director of Education, the goal is always to find the most qualified person for each substitute role, but this is becoming increasingly difficult.

Whenever a teacher falls ill, the school leader must quickly find a substitute. This need for substitutes varies but has been especially noticeable this fall. Mattila explains that various viruses are circulating, often leading to absences of one to two weeks, with some cases followed by complications. “Sometimes, multiple staff members are out of work at the same time,” she adds.

If necessary, the school’s teaching assistants may also step in as substitutes since they are familiar with the students and the progress in each subject. When this happens, a substitute may be brought in to fill the assistant’s role, or the school operates with fewer assistants.

Becoming a substitute is relatively straightforward in Huittinen, requiring only that the individual expresses their interest to the school leaders. “Some of those applying are education students, some are experienced substitutes, others are retired professionals from the field, and some are young people considering studies in education,” Mattila explains.

For longer-term substitutes, positions are advertised through the Kuntarekry portal, a recruitment service for public sector jobs. Anyone working for more than three months must provide a criminal background check, though the school may request this for shorter stints if deemed necessary.

Substitutes in Huittinen operate under public service rather than employment contracts, meaning they receive a formal appointment instead of signing a traditional work agreement. “For short-term positions, the substitute's details and hours worked are recorded in the payroll system. For longer roles, an official decision is made,” Mattila clarifies.

Schools provide orientation materials and offer necessary training to ensure substitutes are prepared for their workday. At Lauttakylä School, for example, the team structure and co-teaching approach make it easier to integrate substitutes into the classroom. Other staff members are always available to offer support to substitutes when needed.

Not all substitutes require formal orientation. For instance, school teaching assistants who temporarily take on substitute roles are already well-versed in the school environment. Additionally, many individuals on the substitute list have previously completed internships as part of their studies and are already familiar with the school, making it easier for them to step into the role.

Despite efforts to secure qualified substitutes, finding fully certified class or subject teachers remains challenging. “If a qualified professional isn’t available, we select the person we deem most suitable for the position,” Mattila says, emphasizing the importance of ensuring every student has a teacher, even in times of staff shortages.

As schools continue to deal with fluctuating substitute needs, the focus remains on maintaining a high standard of education and ensuring each classroom is properly staffed, despite rising challenges this season.

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