The swimming pool of Huittinen will be closed for about six weeks in the summer. The decision was made by the youth and sports board.
The swimming pool will close on the third of July and open up again on the thirteenth of August. During the closure, maintenance work will be carried out in the pool area, which includes, among other things, checks of the pools, washing and necessary repairs. The stones of the sauna heaters will be replaced, and the heating elements will be checked.
The renovation of the recreational pool will also be carried out by Sitowise Oy.
Lauttakylä-lehden ja Pellonpuiston koulun yhteinen oppilastoimitus kääntää poimintoja viikon lehdestä englanniksi. Tiivistelmän on kääntänyt 7.-luokkalainen Vilja Vartia. /The student editorial of Lauttakylä newspaper and Pellonpuisto school makes some translations from weekly paper into English. The English summary was was made by 7th grader Vilja Vartia.
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