Saarioinen has been purchasing heating with a certified origin for the Huittinen factory since the start of March. The change lowers the emissions of Saarioinen by 3800 tons yearly and makes Huittinen a factory clean of any carbon emissions, says the company in its release.
According to the company, certification of origin means that the partner produces the amount of heat used by the Huittinen factory carbon-free with one of its heating plants registered for emission-free production. Carbon dioxide is evenly distributed in the atmosphere, so the location of emission-free production is irrelevant.
Certifications of origin are supervised, and the Energy Agency acts as the administrator of the register kept of the certified origin for heat.
–Making the Huittinen factory carbon emission-free is right now the most significant emission reduction measure that could be implemented quickly. We consider it important to strive for the goal set in the Paris Climate Agreement to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees. Curbing climate change requires stricter goals and faster actions in the entire food chain, says Jyrki Normaja, director of sustainability at Saarioinen, in a press release.
The annual carbon emissions of the Huittisten factory have been around 5.1 million kilograms. Last October, the company changed its electricity procurement to carbon-free. Saarioinen is committed to carbon neutrality in its own operations by 2035.
LUE ALKUPERÄINEN JUTTU Huittisten tehtaan hiilipäästöt nollille – Saarioinen nopeuttaa ilmastotoimiaan
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