The review of the elementary school network has started, and the co-determination process is already on as the generations get smaller.
Let’s go straight over to year 2030. According to the population register, the number of children in Huittinen will then be 425, whereas now it is 625. What is the correct number of schools for these kids and where will the schools be located? This will be decided in the extra meeting of the city council in April.
–By 2030, almost all kids could start at the new Lauttakylä school in Huittinen. The new school is designed for 396 students, Viveka Lanne says.
Kids starting school in 2030 were already born, so the prediction is based on facts. There will, of course, be small changes to the numbers in all age groups due to migration.
The decline in the birth rate will become real this year in Huittinen as the first graders go to school.
City councilors have made models for how the transfer from four schools to three or two schools in Huittinen should be done. The models tell us how big the classes and teaching groups would be in every different school combination. It’s clear that in the future, the new Lauttakylä school will be the one the smaller schools will merge with. The people in charge are reviewing if it’s profitable to shut down the school in Suttila, Sammu or both.
–Keeping Sallila school for a longer time has been justified by the long distance and reasonable birth rate in the political conversations guiding the preparation for shutting down schools, says Lanne.
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