As of the beginning of next year, the responsibility for employment services in Finland will switch from state-ran TE Offices (Employment and Economic Development Offices) to municipalities. In Huittinen, these services will be offered from the town hall, but the objective remains unchanged. Whether you're an individual jobseeker or a business, you’ll continue to receive expert guidance and support for job hunting, employee recruitment, and skills development.
Riikka Peippo, the Director of Vitality for Huittinen, is enthusiastic about the changes. “Now, we can offer employment and business services, vitality services, as well as immigration guidance all under one roof in Huittinen. This means residents have easy access to services in their own town, and the close proximity of different vitality services benefits everyone involved,” Peippo said in a city press release.
Starting next year, Huittinen will be part of the South Satakunta employment area, which also includes Rauma, Eura, Eurajoki, and Säkylä. Rauma will serve as the lead municipality for the area. Teemu Niemelä, Head of Employment Services for the area, explains that the goal of this reform is to boost labor mobility, streamline job placement, attract skilled workers, and bring services closer to residents and local businesses. “It’s great that every municipality in the employment area will have its own service point,” Niemelä commented.
For current users of TE services, the transition will be seamless. "If you're searching for a job or employees, you should continue to log into Työmarkkinatori (Job Market), a platform that connects jobseekers and employers. On Työmarkkinatori, you can find valuable employment information, services, and job listings. By logging in, you can create a jobseeker profile or post a job opening,” Peippo advised.
For those accessing employment services for the first time, Peippo suggests contacting your local municipality. “We are here to guide and assist you. Additional information and guidance on job hunting or recruiting can be obtained from your municipality’s service point, the employment area’s website, or Työmarkkinatori.”
LUE ALKUPERÄINEN JUTTU Paikka muuttuu, palvelut eivät – TE-palvelut vuodenvaihteen jälkeen Huittisten kaupungintalolta
A Local Investment of 840,000 Euros for Employment Services in Huittinen
The budget proposal for next year’s operations of the South Satakunta employment area, covering Huittinen, Rauma, Säkylä, Eura, and Eurajoki, amounts to 6.6 million euros. Huittinen’s share is just over 840,000 euros, about 13 percent of the total budget, based on its population size.
Niemelä noted that while the first official operational year for the South Satakunta employment area will be 2025, unforeseen challenges may arise despite careful preparation. He mentioned potential factors such as legislative changes and possible shortfalls in state funding.
Furthermore, he pointed out that sudden shifts in the international, national, or regional environment could quickly increase the demand for services or even necessitate additional staffing.
Despite these challenges, Huittinen is determined to offer its residents a more localized and efficient employment service, continuing to support both jobseekers and businesses in the community.
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