The new pedestrian bridge at Särkimyskoski was installed in the early hours of Tuesday morning.
Anne Stenberg, the water utility manager, who oversaw the installation, explained that the bridge arrived at the construction site on a flatbed truck at 11:40 p.m. on Monday. By around 1:40 a.m., it was fully in place.
"Preparations were made on the truck first, and about an hour after the arrival, the bridge was lifted into position. The placement was precise as the support beams for the lifting slings had to be sawed down by about ten centimeters, and a couple of railing posts had to be temporarily removed for the installation," Stenberg recounted.
The process went smoothly in the quiet Huittinen night without any disturbances.
The installation schedule was determined by the contractor. According to Johanna Kalaoja, the city's civil engineering manager, the goal was to carry out the work at night to minimize traffic disruptions on Lauttakylänkatu. As a precaution, the road was closed between Meijerintie and Viialankatu during the installation.
The new timber-framed bridge arrived in Huittinen pre-assembled from Versowood's factory in Heinola. However, it is not yet ready for use.
"Further installation work remains, including fitting the bridge's joint structures and extending the railings. After that, the bridge will be covered to protect the wooden deck during waterproofing and final surface treatment," explained Kalaoja.
With these remaining tasks, the bridge is expected to be fully completed by the end of October.
The new bridge measures 36 meters in length and features significantly higher railings than its predecessor, which was set to celebrate its 50th anniversary next year. Kalaoja noted that the new railings stand at 1.2 meters, with the intermediate posts spaced closer together compared to the old bridge.
"The new bridge meets safety regulations, unlike the old one," she added.
The cost of replacing the bridge is recorded in the contract at €398,000.
LUE ALKUPERÄINEN JUTTU Särkimyskosken sillan asennus oli senttipeliä – työt viimeistellään hupun suojissa
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