There is a lot going on at the old dairy which supports employment here in Huittinen. The textile sorting workshop and -store, Tyyki, is being reconstructed to presentable condition by the unemployed. Judging from former experience, the event “Hullu yö” next Friday will bring plenty of new customers.
Sofia Vähä-Kouvola says that Tyyki has given her a path to employment after being a homemaker.
–I haven’t exactly caught on to the working life after my studies were interrupted because of learning disabilities and my ADHD. And then I got a baby.
Tyyki is a part of the youth workshop project, organized by Huittinen. Individual and job coaching as well as group coaching at the media workshop are available too. In addition to the youth workshop, the dairy also has rehabilitative work activity in the welfare area.
Lauttakylä-lehden ja Pellonpuiston koulun yhteinen oppilastoimitus kääntää poimintoja viikon lehdestä englanniksi. Tiivistelmän on kääntänyt 7.-luokkalainen Vilja Vartia. /The student editorial of Lauttakylä newspaper and Pellonpuisto school makes some translations from weekly paper into English. The English summary was was made by 7th grader Vilja Vartia.
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