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Local news 1.7.2024 20:00

A different pizza experience

Meet Jonathan Telliez, a French man now selling classic italian dish in Sastamala and Huittinen.

 Jonathan Telliez handing a fresh pizza to Antoine Soulaire.
Jonathan Telliez handing a fresh pizza to Antoine Soulaire.
Antoine Soulaire

If you happen to walk near the K-Supermarket Lautturi on a Friday afternoon, you may be smelling a familiar aroma through the air: La Biga oy’s pizza made by Jonathan Telliez, a French expatriate whose journey to Finland is as rich and flavorful as the pizzas he makes!

Telliez’s culinary journey began early. At just 14, he left formal school to immerse himself in the world of hospitality in Bourges, France. By 18, he was alternating between the snowy Alps in winter and sunny beaches in summer, climbing the ranks from a barman and waiter to the director of a busy restaurant with 35 employees. His experiences in these dynamic environments gave Telliez a deep understanding of food, service, and the art of creating memorable dining experiences.

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Jonathan cooking a pepperoni pizza.

Jonathan's journey to Finland was quite adventurous. He lived in Nepal for a couple of years, and met his Finnish girlfriend while traveling in Australia just before the Covid-19 pandemic. Faced with the choice between going back to France or Finland, the couple opted for the latter, basing their choice on higher feeling of safety, economic opportunities, as well as Finland’s relatively relaxed travel restrictions during the pandemic. Finland, a country that Jonathan had never visited before, had now become his new home.

Their Finnish adventure began in Helsinki, followed by a year in Tampere, before they finally settled near Sastamala. Adjusting to life in Finland brought its own set of challenges and cultural differences. Telliez noticed that Finnish people tended to be more reserved compared to the French, with his attempts at small talk often met with confused looks.

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Despite the cultural differences, Jonathan has grown to appreciate several aspects of the Finnish life. He observes that Finnish grocery stores resemble American ones more than French, with a notable preference for coffee, milk, and larger meat portions amongst the Finns. Although he misses the bread and cheese from France, he has discovered local Finnish delicacies such as high-quality beef from a nearby producer and the beloved Lohikeitto, or Finnish salmon soup. He eagerly anticipates the berry-picking season, a tradition he looks forward to participating in.

While Jonathan’s lack of Finnish language skills posed challenges, particularly during his time in Tampere, he has found ways to connect with his customers. A memorable incident involved an elderly lady who initially left without ordering due to the language barrier but returned with a translated message on her phone, a heartwarming testament to mutual understanding and patience. The demand for his pizzas is high, with Jonathan selling up to 75 pizzas on busy days. He once sold over 100 pizzas in a single day, a feat he found overwhelming. Looking for higher quality over quantity, he now limits this number to ensure each pizza meets his high standards.

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Telliez knows how to throw the dough.

Jonathan’s decision to start a pizza business in Finland was driven by both passion and a feeling that there was a real need for high-quality pizzas in the region. Using premium Italian ingredients as well as his extensive culinary background, Jonathan ensures that each pizza offers unmatched quality, at the cost of a slightly higher, but still very affordable price.

Opening his pizza truck was no small feat. It took him eight months from his decision to sell pizzas in the spring of 2023 to serving his first customer. Securing a loan took the longest time out of that whole process. He was then able to convert his truck to a fully functional pizza truck in Kankaanpää, and negotiated selling spots with cities and supermarkets. His dedication paid off, and by next winter, his pizza truck rolled out, ready to serve. He also has his own website, where you can find where his truck will be next.

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The delicious pepperoni pizza from La Biga is ready to be enjoyed.

La Biga’s menu is a reflection of both popular demand and personal flair. He kept the selection short to maintain the freshness of his ingredients, offering a variety of pizzas that will please diverse tastes (fish, ham, cheese and more). Among the options are also a vegetarian pizza, and his personal favorite: honey and goat cheese pizza, a unique offering inspired by his own preferences.

Jonathan’s journey from France to Finland shows a great passion and his amazing ability to adapt. While he still dreams of opening his own restaurant one day, for now he will keep bringing his culinary experience to Huittinen and Sastamala, one pizza at a time!

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