After four months of construction, the Särkimyskoski pedestrian bridge is now open, allowing walkers and cyclists to cross Punkalaitumenjoki from both the library and school sides once again. Huittinen’s technical director, Seija Holmi, along with local residents, walked across the new bridge for the first time.
“All problems are meant to be solved,” Holmi remarked in the cool but sunny weather, adding a note of optimism to the bridge’s opening ceremony. Minor finishing touches were still underway on the opening day, and the bridge is now complete, ready for safe, regular use.
Destia Oy began work on the Särkimyskoski bridge in early July, with initial steps involving the relocation of key utilities. According to Johanna Kalaoja, Huittinen’s groundworks manager, water lines were moved out of the bridge’s foundation zone in autumn of last year, while heating and telecommunications cables were relocated to a nearby vehicle bridge.
The new wooden-framed bridge, built by Versowood and measuring 36 meters, arrived from Heinola in early October. The structure features high safety railings with closely spaced intermediate bars, meeting current safety standards more effectively than the previous 1975 bridge.
The project did face several complications.
“During the bridge's demolition, we discovered a missed cable transfer, which caused a short service disruption,” Kalaoja said. Issues with the piling work also required quick redesigning, leading to additional costs and a one-month delay. With the necessary updates completed, work proceeded without further setbacks, helped by favorable autumn weather. Final costs, including the structure’s upgraded base, landscaping, and the removal of the previous bridge’s middle support, brought the total to around €472,000, above the original contract sum of €398,000.
Despite these setbacks, Kalaoja confirmed that construction, minus the riverbed pipeline repair still under consideration, is complete.
Pentti Juhela, a Huittinen local, attended the opening of the previous Särkimyskoski bridge in 1975 and was back again to witness this new upgrade. “Back then, this bridge was the latest innovation,” he recalled, adding that he regularly crosses it by foot or bike as part of his daily exercise.
Reflecting on the changes, Juhela commented that the new bridge has improved traffic safety. “Now I don’t have to cross the road as often, and the railings are tall enough for safety. The old bridge was clearly due for an update.”
Juhela’s daily routine involves crossing the bridge on his walks and bike rides, though he adjusted his routes during the construction period. For him, the wait was worth it: “I always believed it would be completed.”
ALKUPERÄINEN JUTTU Uusi Särkimyskosken kevyen liikenteen silta on kävelty auki
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