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Local news 17.9.2023 08:40

An autumn Sunday lunch from the local harvest 

The recipes are made by Marja-Liisa Hakanen. Kuva: Heli Lehtelä
The recipes are made by Marja-Liisa Hakanen. Kuva: Heli Lehtelä
Vilja Vartia, student editorial (suomenkielinen alkuperäisteksti: Marja-Liisa Hakanen)

There are good ingredients for good everyday food and more festive meals in Huittinen.

Satakunta, including Huittinen, is a wealthy scene when talking about good ingredients. So much is farmed and produced in the area; it really isn’t difficult to compose an entire meal from local food in Huittinen.

The menu was composed with a nice and peaceful Sunday lunch in mind. Three courses to share with the people closest to you.

The meals of the lunch aren’t difficult to make, but naturally take some time. Luckily, some can be prepared the night before, like the sauce for the main course and the dessert.

The starter of the meal consists mainly of root vegetables, the familiar carrot and beetroot.

The meal is made diverse with other vegetables, like fennel and zucchini. The starter is served with a mustard crème fraîche sauce.

The ingredient of the main course is chicken, because although Huittinen is known for its pig farmers, it is a strong broiler breeding area.

The chicken is accompanied by a cheesy potato-spinach fry. After all, Huittinen is also a spinach and potato farming place, because a large part of the spinach grown in Finland comes from Vampula, and there are also several potato farmers in the locality.

The main course is crowned with a bittersweet tomato-bacon compote.

The dessert for this Sunday lunch is made with cranberry that the forests of Huittinen are bulging with. The cranberry is morphed into a lovely ice cream, spiced with cardamom and served with lingonberry soup and toasted oatmeal.

The student editorial of Lauttakylä newspaper and Pellonpuisto school makes some translations from weekly paper into English. The English summary was was made by 8th grader Vilja Vartia./Lauttakylä-lehden ja Pellonpuiston koulun yhteinen oppilastoimitus kääntää poimintoja viikon lehdestä englanniksi. Tiivistelmän on kääntänyt 8.-luokkalainen Vilja Vartia.

LUE alkuperäinen juttu Syksyinen sunnuntailounas oman paikkakunnan antimista

Root vegetables and mustard crème fraîche sauce 

Root vegetables and mustard crème fraîche sauce 

3 skinny carrots

2 small beetroots

1 small fennel

A piece of zucchini

2 cloves of garlic

1 small red onion

1 dl of fresh dill

3 tbsp white balsamic vinegar


Black pepper


The sauce:

2 cans (150g) crème fraîche

2 tbsp coarse mustard

1 tbsp honey

Rinse all root vegetables and vegetables. Peel the onions and roots and cut the stems and hard center off the fennel.

Cut the carrot diagonally into very thin slices. Split the beets and cut them into thin slices too, as well as the onions and fennel. Split a piece of zucchini, cut the halves in half and slice.

Put oil in a frying pan and first fry the beetroot slices on a medium heat until they are crispy. Set aside to wait so the beetroot doesn't colour the other vegetables.

Rinse the frying pan and put some oil in the pan again. Roast the other vegetables in it. Add the beet slices and balsamic vinegar and mix well. Season with salt and black pepper. Mix the chopped dill with the vegetables. Allow to cool until lukewarm.

Mix coarse mustard and honey into the crème fraîche. Put the sauce on a plate and assemble the vegetables on top of the sauce into a beautiful dish. Garnish with dill.

Maikku_sitruunainen kananpoika3 (1).jpg
Chicken with a lemon marinade 

Chicken with a lemon marinade 

About 1kg of unseasoned chicken roast cutlet


Black pepper


Grated lemon peel (1 lemon)

1,5dl lemon juice (about two large lemons)

½ dl white balsamic vinegar

3 tbsp honey

3 garlic cloves

Fresh thyme and rosemary

First make the marinade. Rinse the lemon with warm water and dry well, grate the peel and squeeze the juice from the lemons. Peel and slice the garlic cloves. Mix lemon juice, white balsamic vinegar, honey, grated lemon peel and sliced garlic cloves.

Salt and pepper the steaks on both sides and put them in a baking dish or cauldron with a lid. Pour over the marinade. Place a few sprigs of thyme and rosemary on top of and in between the cutlets.

Allow to season in the refrigerator for at least three hours or overnight. Turn the cutlets at some point so that they are evenly seasoned.

Bring the baking dish to room temperature for half an hour before putting it in the oven.

Heat the oven to 175 degrees and cook the chicken under the lid for about an hour and a half. Then take the lid off and let it cook for another half hour.

Remove the cutlets from the baking dish, drain the marinade from them and assemble a portion on a plate with the potato-spinach roast and the tomato-bacon compote.

Cheesy potato-spinach roast

1 kg potatoes

150g fresh spinach

1 small leek

250g runny processed cheese


Black pepper


Wash and peel the potatoes and slice them thin. Rinse the leek and cut it into thin slices. Rinse the spinach and cut it into strips.

Layer potato and leek slices and spinach leaves in a greased baking dish. Season each layer with salt and black pepper and pour runny processed cheese between the layers.

Take a piece of foil and lightly grease its "bottom" with oil. Press the foil tightly over the roast and cook at 175 degrees for about 1-1.5 hours until the potatoes are cooked.

Tomato-bacon compote

300g ripe cherry tomatoes

Olive- or rapeseed oil

Black pepper

1 red onion

3 cloves of garlic

100g bacon

2 tbsp red wine vinegar

2 tbsp dark balsamic vinegar

2 tbsp brown sugar

Heat the oven to 175 degrees. Halve the cherry tomatoes and spread them in a flat baking dish lined with baking paper. Sprinkle a little oil over the tomatoes and roast them in the oven for about 1.5 hours, until they are slightly roasted. Do not roast too dry.

Cut the bacon into very small pieces and put it on a cold frying pan or a coated saucepan. Fry the bacon on medium heat of the stove until it is crispy, being careful not to burn it.

Chop the red onion and garlic, and when the bacon is toasted, add the onions to the pan with the bacon. Also add the tomatoes, red wine vinegar, balsamic vinegar and brown sugar. Season with black pepper.

Cook the mixture on low heat for about 10-15 minutes until the compote hardens a little. Put the compote in a jar and let it cool, then move the jar to the fridge to set for a few hours.

Lingonberry ice cream

Lingonberry ice cream 

2 ½ dl lingonberry

3 tbsp sugar

2 dl cream

1 can condensed milk

2 tsp cardamom

Puree the cranberries and add sugar.

Beat the cream until foamy, mix in the condensed milk. Add the lingonberry puree to the mixture and stir to spread it evenly. Season the ice cream with cardamom.

Sprinkle some more whole lingonberries

Pour the ice cream into, for example, an oblong bread pan, and freeze in the freezer overnight. If desired, the ice cream mass or part of it can also be frozen in silicone muffin tins. That way, you can easily get individual portions.

Take the ice cream out of the freezer about 15 minutes before serving so that it softens a little, ice cream frozen in muffin tins softens even faster.

Serve the ice cream with lingonberry soup and toasted oatmeal.

Lingonberry soup

2dl lingonberries

4dl water

1 dl sugar

2 tsp vanilla sugar

For thickening

2 tbsp water

1 tbsp potato flour

Heat the water and add lingonberries. Boil until the berries are a light pink colour and strain them out.

Heat the juice again and add sugar. When the sugar has melted, stir the potato flour in a small amount of water and add the mixture into the juice stirring well.

Spice with vanilla sugar and let cool.

Toasted oatmeal

1 tbsp butter

1 tbsp brown sugar

1 dl rolled oats

Melt the butter in a pot and add the brown sugar and rolled oats. Let toast until they are a slightly warmer brown. Take the pot off the stove and pour the oatmeal into a bowl to cool.

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