For employers and international talent interested in international recruitment, four Future Talents meeting events will be organized in different parts of Satakunta in September–October. Huittinen opens a series of events on September 30.
–The goal is to bring Satakunta employers and international experts together. At the same time, we want to lower the threshold of local employers for international recruitment. An important part of the events is to increase employers' awareness of available international recruitment support services, development expert Juha-Pekka Kallioniemi from the Satakunta ely-center states in the ely-center's press release.
At the Future Talents events Mattila's berry farm from Huittinen, as well as Satakunta Osuuskauppa, Unico Finland and Alfa Laval Aalborg present their international recruitment experiences.
–The program also includes discussion groups that discuss the themes of international recruitment, such as Finnish work culture, the importance of Finnish language skills, the working life expectations of international experts and what is the best way to make an impression on a Finnish employer. The last part of the events is the speed dating of recipients and employers, says Kallioniemi.
The languages of the free events are Finnish and English
The "collisionevents" are carried out by Ponte Oy in cooperation with the Satakunta ely-center, the Satakunta te-office, the cities of Huittinen, Kankaanpää, Pori and Rauma, WinNova, Satakunta University of Applied Sciences and the Regional Council of Satakunta.
The events are part of the Talent Boost service package, which supports the meeting of companies and international talents.
SUOMEKSI Yrityksiä ja kansainvälisiä osaajia törmäytetään Future Talents -tapahtumissa
Event information
Future talents event Mon 30.9. at 14–16 at Huittinen town hall